Saturday, February 24th, 2024

Protect Children

Ensuring the safety of children in your congregation is of the utmost importance. That is why we will provide you with resources to assist you in making your church a safe church.

Qualified Speakers

Professionals in their field are here to present and give the most up to date guidance on these issues.


We encourage all Pastors to attend as they lead their church to a safer future.

Church Leaders

This conference is for those that can make change within their church environment with implementation with the most up to date policies and procedures.

Protect The Church

Your church's reputation in the community is often as valuable as the message that is preached. By attending CHURCH GUARD CONFERENCE, you will be equipped with tools and resources to advance your reputation as a safe place for the hurting.

Moderated Q&A

Conference attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions directed to our safe churches panel.

Limited Space

Space for this conference is limited so be sure to register as soon as possible.

Making Churches Safe Again

It takes one to speak up, and it takes care of the potential problem.


8:30-9:00 AM Pastor’s Perspective The Issue at Hand
9:00-10:00 AM Scotty’s House
10:00-10:15 AM Break
10:15-11:00 AM Prevention & Response
11:00 AM-12:00 PM Legal Protection
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00-2:00 PM Breakout Sessions (Counseling, Technology, Family Education, & Supervising Minors in a Church Environment)
2:00-2:10 PM Break
2:10-3:00 PM Crisis Management
3:00-3:10 PM Break
3:10-4:00 PM Q&A Panel

Saturday February 24th,
8:30 am CST 

Victory Church in College Station is hosting Church Guard Conference on Saturday, February 24, 2024. This conference is about protecting the children, staff, and church by educating leaders to recognize, prevent, and responsibly respond to child abuse of minors in the faith community. We would love to start a dialogue with you and your church leaders at this conference to find solutions to encourage our local churches to operate in the calling Christ gave for The Church. Let's work together to shift the narrative from the perversion we see in the news about churches and ministers to how we stepped up to take a stand for righteousness. We hope to see you there!


Time to start!



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